Policy Context.
Government Policy
The Government requires Local Planning Authorities to have an up-to-date Local Plan in place to shape how land use and places will change and develop in the future. The planning system is intended to be genuinely plan-led. Local Plans are required to provide a positive vision for the future of each area; a framework for addressing housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities; and a platform for local people to shape their surroundings. Local Plans must support the delivery of enough homes to meet housing needs. Housing needs for a particular local authority area are established through a standard formula set by Local Government.
Location of the site in the emerging local plan
South Staffordshire Planning Policy
The South Staffordshire Local Plan includes the Core Strategy adopted in December 2012 and the Site Allocations Document (SAD), adopted in September 2018.
The SAD Policy SAD3 (Safeguarded for Longer Term Development Needs) identified the site as safeguarded land to meet longer housing development needs between 2028 and 2038, or to be released through an early review of the Local Plan. Upon adoption of the SAD, the site was removed from the Green Belt. South Staffordshire District Council is currently undertaking a Local Plan Review and the site is identified as draft housing allocation, to deliver a minimum of 63 new homes.
The draft policy sets out the following key requirements:
- Historic environment mitigation for the site, including retention of tree and hedgerow boundaries bordering the site and any mitigation required as a result of archaeological investigations.
- Provision of a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment to demonstrate built development avoids the floodplain.
- Access via Four Ashes Road, including the extension of the existing footway.
- Pedestrian/cycling links to Stonebridge Road should be explored and provided if feasible.
- Any relevant policy requirements including affordable housing, open space, education, health, sports and recreation, energy efficiency, climate change mitigation, flood risk mitigation, highways, sustainable transport, housing mix and green infrastructure, delivered in line with the relevant development plan policy standards.
The project timeline showing the major milestones
The Site.
The site comprises part of a single field parcel fronting on to Four Ashes Road extending to approximately 4.37 hectares.
The existing site
The site is located on the north eastern edge of the village of Brewood. To the west lies existing homes, including single storey properties on Four Ashes Road and two storey properties to Oak Road, Rowan Grove, Ash Grove and Stonebridge Road. Open countryside lies to the south and east of the site. Brewood Cricket Club is located to the north of the site, beyond Four Ashes Road.
There are a number of constraints present as follows:
- Hedgerows and hedgerow trees exist to site boundaries on both parcels.
- The sites slope gently from north west to south east.
- The West Midlands Green Belt and open countryside lies to the south and west of the site.
- A small element of the site remains within the Green Belt.
There are a number of opportunities as follows:
- Space for significant new publicly accessible open space to be created.
- Existing hedgerows can be retained, and the southern boundary strengthened through additional landscape planting to provide a strong Green Belt boundary.
- Opportunity to deliver ‘on-site’ biodiversity ‘enhancement’ through the creation of new habitats and green spaces, including the provision of wildlife corridors.
- Opportunity for surface water to be dealt with via a naturalistic pond (sustainable drainage feature) on land to remain within Green Belt.
Constraints and opportunities plan
What is proposed?
The Concept
Having regard to the site constraints and opportunities it has been determined that a residential development can be achieved on the site that meets the key requirements set out in the adopted Site Allocations Document and the emerging South Staffordshire Local Plan. Additional land, beyond the proposed site allocation, to be retained within the Green Belt, provides an opportunity to deliver a dedicated pedestrian connection to Stonebridge Road and the Public Right of Way and to provide additional green and blue infrastructure to support recreation and biodiversity.
Concept Development Plan
The proposal includes the construction of 73 new homes ranging in size to meet the needs of first-time buyers, couples and families.
The housing mix includes a range of detached, semi-detached, terraced homes and maisonette properties:
- 40% of the homes are proposed to be delivered as affordable. Of these, half are proposed as affordable rented homes, 25% as First Homes (low-cost home ownership) and the remainder provided as shared ownership.
- 10% of the homes provided would be designed to meet the needs of older persons including bungalows.
All homes will be provided with Electric Vehicle charging capabilities and will meet new building regulations which require homes to be far more energy efficient than those built previously.
Site Layout
It is proposed to access the site via a new T-junction formed onto Four Ashes Road. Pedestrian connectivity will be provided via the provision of new footways, connecting to the existing footway on Four Ashes Road. The internal footways have been designed to create an internal recreational loop within the site. These new footways have been internalised into the site to ensure retention of the existing hedgerow fronting Four Ashes Road. In addition, a new footway is proposed to link to Stonebridge Road and the existing Public Right of Way network in an attractive natural setting.
The view looking left from the proposed pedestrian access onto the Four Ashes Road
A footway is proposed to link the site to Stonebridge Road
A footway is proposed to link the site to Stonebridge Road
All 2 and 3 bedroom homes will have a minimum of 2 parking spaces, with all 4+ bedroom homes having a minimum of 3 parking spaces. All homes will have Electric Vehicle charging points.
Open Space
New public open space is proposed in excess of current requirements set out by South Staffordshire District Council. A large area of new publicly accessible open space is proposed including the provision of a new children’s play area located in the north east corner of the site, a wildlife buffer along the southern boundary and further natural open space provided to the west to the rear of Rowan Grove, Ash Grove and Stonebridge Road. The areas of public open space will include soft landscaping and planting and will be overlooked by the proposed new homes to provide natural surveillance.
The only section of hedgerows that would need to be removed is that required to form the new access point to Four Ashes Road. There are opportunities for new landscape planting as part of the proposals, including provision of tree lined streets and strengthening of the existing field boundaries to create wildlife corridors.
Illustrative CGI of proposed development from Four Ashes Road
Any application would be supported by a Flood Risk Assessment and drainage strategy.
The development would utilise Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to deal with surface water. This will include the provision of an attenuation pond located beyond the proposed allocation to the east. The location of this pond has been determined by site topography and represents a low point in the immediate area. This has been designed to make allowance for storm events up to the 1 in 100 year return period plus an appropriate allowance for climate change.
Local Infrastructure
On site provision and/or financial contributions will be provided towards local infrastructure to mitigate any impact of the development. These contributions will be secured through a legal agreement. Any on site infrastructure or off-site financial contributions will be finalised through a future planning application following discussion with South Staffordshire District Council and other infrastructure providers including Staffordshire County Council Education and the Integrated Care Board (health).
Local infrastructure in Brewood
Local infrastructure in Brewood
What is the design approach?
The design of the proposed layout has ‘developed to respond to the identified’ constraints and opportunities including the presence of trees and hedgerows habitats, longer-distance views of the site and the need to respect the amenity of residents, including existing neighbours to Four Ashes Road, Oak Road, Rowan Grove, Ash Grove and Stonebridge Road.
The key design principles are as follows:
- Inclusive access to enable residents to move around comfortably without encountering obstructions.
- Provision of a layout arrangement within the site to foster low speed vehicular movement.
- Provision of an active frontage to Four Ashes Road and areas of proposed open space.
- Provision of a variety of house types and sizes to contribute positively to the quality and character of the new development and reflect the local vernacular.
- Achieve good quality architectural and public realm detailing through use of good quality materials.
- Ensuring all homes have on-plot and integral parking provided which are positioned not to dominate the appearance of the development and reduce the need for street parking.
- Retention of existing trees, vegetation and habitat features and provision of significant new public open space, landscaping and tree planting to soften visual impact of the development.
Design and Character
Four Ashes Road Limited is committed to providing a high quality residential scheme, supported by green and blue infrastructure. It is acknowledged that good quality architectural and public realm detailing is intrinsic to delivering a successful development.
In particular, the elevation design and architectural detailing will pay particular attention to the following:
- Variety of architectural styles and variability of roofscapes that will be complementary to the local vernacular.
- A range of enhanced architectural detailing, such as window bays, gable features and plinth details.
- A variation in roof heights and massing will seek to provide the development with an interest to users and visitors reflective of the character of Brewood.
- A range of boundary treatments and street trees will be employed to further enhance the character, street-scape, and development identity.
- The proposal aims to strike a balance between designing homes in response to local architecture and character and also creating an attractive, modern development in its own right with a clear structure and identity.
Illustrative CGI of proposed development from Four Ashes Road
If you have any comments or questions on any part of the development proposal, you can visit our drop in session at the Jubilee Hall between 4pm and 7pm on Friday 20th September or comments can be left via the feedback form below.
What happens next?
We will consider all the feedback and suggestions received as part of this consultation and use them to help shape the proposals for this site. A full planning application will be submitted to South Staffordshire Council in late 2024. South Staffordshire Council will undertake a further consultation once an application is submitted.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this website.